Biblical Marriage Script, According to the Laws of Moses & The Government of Ontario.
בָּר֣וּךְ הַ֭בָּא בְּשֵׁ֣ם יְהֹוָ֑ה בֵּ֝רַ֥כְנוּכֶ֗ם מִבֵּ֥ית יְהֹוָֽה
May he who enters be Blessed by God, Blessing you from His Divine House.
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth".
While humans are like animals in many ways, we have unique expressions and nuances that separate us from our furry (or non) furry friends. As children of Adam and Eve we have received a unique structure, epitomized in today’s celebration. Today before your friends, family, acquaintances, community, and-most importantly-your Creator, you make a public declaration. You are metaphorically climbing up to the highest point, raising your voice, in resolution and faith.
The magic of a wedding is not in the aesthetic but the potential ignited through this declaration. We are all the children of our ancestors who made similar pledges, culminating in the moment we are experiencing right here, right now. Today is a historical day, the merging of two destinies into one soul and essence. Today is a day of hope, of optimism and joy. May He guide you, council you, and inspire your community to lift you up.
On that note, let me welcome everyone to _____ and _______ wedding, here in beautiful_______.
Who gives this bride ______ to be wedded to this groom ________. Wonderful.
Will everyone in attendance, witnessing these Holy Vows, stand and say “we will”, in affirmation and support. Thank you. Please be seated.
Vow Exchange
_______ Groom, repeat after me:
I ______, take you, ________, to be my wife,
Knowing in MY heart, with full conviction,
That you will be my
Best friend
Closest confident
Biggest fan
Partner in life
My other half
As such I promise to:
Love you unconditionally
Lift you up when you fall
Work hard, love harder
Emphasize grace over vengeance
Through Faith, become the husband you deserve.
Now, I turn to _______, ______’s bride
I ______, take you, ________, to be my husband,
Knowing in MY heart, with full conviction,
That you will be my
Best friend
Closest confident
Biggest fan
Partner in life
My other half
As such I promise to:
Love you unconditionally
Lift you up when you fall
Work hard, love harder
Emphasize grace over vengeance
Through Faith, become the wife you deserve.
Thank you
King David was one of Israel’s greatest kings, having written the Psalms. While far from a perfect man, he was a man who lived in perfect faith.
“Steadfast love and faithfulness meet; righteousness and peace kiss each other”. Know that the love you feel today is a shadow of the love that will mature over time. Loyalty and fidelity create love, the type that transcend opposition, transforming external pressures into marital vigor. Know that any chasm exists to make you stronger, more resilient, and more connected to each other.
Now I am going to ask our bride to clasp her hands together, with her groom supporting her hands and looking right into her eyes.
_________groom, repeat after me, Anee ley dodi------V,do dee lee
Now_________, his bride, repeat after me, Anee ley dodi------V,do dee lee
This famous passage is taken from the Song of Solomon, written by the famous king of the same name. It proclaims that “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine”. Out of all the billions of souls, know that you have chosen each other, to the exclusion of all others. May your happiness be plentiful like the stars in the sky and the water drops in the ocean. May God strengthen you, guide you, and give you Peace.
Statement of Intent
With your hands still bound, ________groom please respond in good Faith, responding with the affirmative, “I do”.
Do you _______, take this woman, whose hands your support, now and ever, to be your wife_______? Do you promise to dedicate your life to her, sharing in the joys and pains, without condition or pretense, all the days of your life?
Thank you, now I will turn to the bride, asking her to likewise answer in good faith, responding with the affirmative “I do”.
Do you _______, take this man, whose hands your support, now and ever, to be your husband_______? Do you promise to dedicate your life to him, sharing in the joys and pains, without condition or pretense, all the days of your life?
Ring Exchange
Biblical Wedding Ceremony
In Biblical Times it was mandated that the prospective groom was to present his prospective bride with a token of value, originally a coin. Like a ring the coin is round, symbolizing wholeness and eternity. The objective wasn’t to impress her materially, but to show that he was serious in his intentions. Just as this ritual connects you both to the past, it connects you to each other, facing the future as a united front.
I am going to ask _______, ______’s groom to take the ring, place it on his bride’s finger, and say the following after me.
________(bride’s name) take this ring as a token of my faithfulness to us, showing kindness and grace, gratitude and humility, from this day forward.
I am going to ask _______, ______’s bride to take the ring, place it on his bride’s finger, and say the following after me.
________(groom’s name) take this ring as a token of my faithfulness to us, showing kindness and grace, gratitude and humility, from this day forward.
To the bride, please repeat after me “I, ______________do solemnly declare that I do not know
of any lawful impediment why I may not be joined in matrimony to (groom’s name__________.”)
Will the groom repeat the same declaration?
“I, ______________do solemnly declare that I do not know
of any lawful impediment why I may not be joined in matrimony to (groom’s name_________. )
___________ and _______ have publicly exchanged vows, intentions, and rings. Therefore, by the power invested in me by the Province of Ontario, and the Laws of Moses, I pronounce that you are not man and wife.
You May Kiss!
Ladies and Gentleman, It is my privilege to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. _________

Brother Jeremy is a Registered Wedding Officiant Serving Toronto, Ontario. He offers custom elopement packages, allowing both locals and tourists to enjoy the blessing of marriage. Priced cheaper than Toronto City Hall Weddings, Brother Jeremy offers a unique take on a traditional wedding service. You can choose to get married at our Toronto Wedding Chapel, located conveniently at the intersection of Wilmington and Sheppard in North York. If you want to know how to get married in Toronto, or anywhere else in Ontario, call us @ 437-345-9611. Brother Jeremy offers both Jewish Wedding Services and officiant duties for couples of all religious (or cultural) backgrounds. Your wedding officiant of choice in Toronto, Muskoka, Belleville and Prince Edward County.