About Brother Jeremy, Registered Toronto Wedding Officiant.
Not a Catholic Brother, But A Hebrew Achi!
As the son of an Israel-ordained Rabbi, he grew up in the shadow of the pulpit, seeing the magic of faith.
He is a Brother in every situation, from the optimism of weddings to the humility of funerals. A student of tradition. he incorporates faith in a modern service, connecting the day to the past, present, and future.
Brother Jeremy is a graduate of Tel Aviv University (Israel) in addition to other institutions in British Columbia and Ontario.
Jeremy is proud to offer service in English, French and Hebrew. He serves all, regardless of background, ethnicity or religious affiliation. A firm believer in the institution of marriage, Jeremy is proudly married to Esther and is a proud father.
Helping you get married in Toronto!

Complete support from engagement to getting your official Ontario Marriage License in the Mail.​
Accessible for questions, concerns, worry, or prayer.
Personalized touch, customized service, performed in accordance with the Laws of Canada and the Values of the Bible.
Firmly rooted in the Belief that all People are Made in the Image of God and have inherit worth.
Proud Canadian, delivering a uniquely Canadian wedding. Honouring the Past, inspiring the future.
Registered Ontario Wedding Officiant, commissioned with the role of solemnizing weddings.
Customizable wedding ceremonies that are never used twice.
Proudly Canadian, serving all ethnic communities, faiths, and those without.
All wedding budgets accepted, couples never turned away due to financial hardship.
Offers wedding ceremonies in English, French, and Hebrew.
Psalms can be read in Hebrew for both weddings and funerals.
For Jewish couples needing a Ketubah, a partner rabbi will marry you. If you are simply looking for a Jewish Wedding Officiant, I will be happy to be of service.
All wedding ceremonies are conducted in accordance with the Laws of Moses and the Statues of the Province of Ontario.
I am happy to serve as a Jewish Officiant. If you are looking for a Rabbi, please let me know and we can have it arranged. This includes Chuppah and other Jewish Religious/Cultural Traditions.
Perhaps you are looking for an English tutor, looking to improve your child's report card or prospects for university. Regardless of the context, I will bring every child up to their potential.

Fischel Cooper ZL - My Great, Great Grandfather
We learn about who we can be based who our relatives were. He was a Tzadik, building his Kehillah (religious community), teaching boys how to be men. Not just in religious instruction, but also in worldly affairs. His students adored him, evident by the numerous happy pictures of them together.

If you go to the Kiever Synagogue in Downtown Toronto you will see his name posted downstairs. Without knowing this man personally, I can connect with him through the historical record, kept both by family and the Ontario Jewish Archives. I remember first hearing about him, almost like a mythical figure, something out of a novel of sorts.
When I heard one story, I wanted to hear another. I wanted to hear how him work built Toronto, a city that was in rapid change, adopting a huge influx of immigrants from China, Europe, and around the globe. Each relative gave me another piece of the puzzle, using it to find more information, hoping to fill in the gaps.
I am still filling in those gaps, connecting his walk with my own. I believe that the Divine Spark that drove him, also drives me. His passion for the Torah has inspired the generations before me and (with the help of the Almighty) for years to come.
I am honoured to share this legacy, dedicating my life to spiritual community service and outreach. May the God that inspires me also inspire you.
Fun Facts about Me!
Love going camping in Prince Edward County.
Huge fan of all Toronto Teams.
Love to speak different languages and travelling to different countries.
Favourite animal is the panda.
Favourite food is shawarma
I'm "not bad" as a tour guide.